Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Steve & Tracy's Boston Public Garden and Beacon Hill Engagement

I love Boston. My heart holds a BIG spot for this city. The history, the people, the buildings, it all just makes my heart sing. I've grown up in Massachusetts my whole life and Boston has been a big part of my history. There are just some places in this world that we love, that we call home, places where we belong. Boston is my place. So whenever I have a couples ask to have their engagement sessions in the city, my heart does a little hop skip and a jump. I relish the time I get to spend in Boston photographing happy couples in love. Honestly, what could be better? Steve and Tracy knew they wanted to have their engagement session in the city and so they asked friends what the best places to see would be. Of course the Boston Public Garden was suggested and so we started our time together there. While many don't like shooting in the Garden (it's crowded, it's touristy and well, it's photographed ALL the time), I love it. I love the challenge of finding new angles, trying to hide from the crowds and seeing it like I've never seen it before. Steve and Tracy were the best, dodging the crowds, posing together as people stared on. It's hard being in front of the camera but they rocked it out and I had a blast capturing their love. Please enjoy Steve and Tracy's very Boston engagement session!