Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

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Five Ways To Connect On Social Media

Five Ways To Connect On Social Media with Deborah Zoe Photography.

Five Ways To Connect On Social Media with Deborah Zoe Photography.

Who uses Social Media?! I'd love to take an informal poll of the readers who stop by the blog to see what social media sites they are using and why! (Feel free to leave a response below in the comments!) It's so amazing to me the many outlets and tools we can use to connect with each other nowadays. Sometimes I feel like I'm caught right in the middle, knowing how to use all these tools but not necessarily wanting to use them all, all the time! Below I've shared my top five social media outlets and how I use them. I'd love to connect with you and follow along!

1. Instagram (@deborahzoe)

I've been using Instagram since 2011...that's almost FOUR years!! It's hard to believe that it started out as a way to "destory" your images with crappy filters and has now urned into a popular way to connect and share with the world around you! Instagram is my favorite social media tool and it's here where I post pictures of every day life, from gorgeous weddings & fabulous couples to my adorable family and our adventures together! I'd LOVE to connect with you there!

2. Facebook (/Deborah Zoe Photography)

Oh Facebook, we have a love/hate relationship don't we? As a Northestern University graduate, I had the chance to be one of the very first people to be on Facebook -- an interesting thought! Facebook has certainly grown and changed over the years, today it is the way I share about what is happening with Deborah Zoe Photography. Facebook fans will be the first to know about blog posts, website updates and DZP news! It's a great way to stay up to date and in the know:) Just be sure to click "Get Notifications" at the top of the page to ensure DZP shows up in your newsfeed!

3. Pinterest (/deborahzoe)

I was SO confused when Pinterest first jumped onto the social media scene. Today it's my guilty pleasure and where I could spend hours and hours searching for Paleo recipes, tips about traveling to Disney World and pinning gorgeous wedding florals. It's a mixed bag of all the things that I love. PLUS if you're a DZP Bride, Pinterest is how we collaborate to style your engagement session, a fun way to plan and prepare for the session! I'd love to see you there!

4. Periscope (@deborahzoe)

Periscope is the newest trend in social media and while I'm usually reluctant to jump on the social meda bandwagon, I have to say Periscope is really fun! (and kind of addicting!) Want to broadcast or livestream? Periscope is for you! As for DZP, Periscope will be how I share insider tips, what's happening behind the scenes and hopefully some live shooting! My hope is to keep this tool specific for photographers and those wondering what it's like behind the scenes here at DZP! Bonus, if you're on Twitter currently, it's SO easy to connect and get set up with Periscope. Hope on over and join today and let's connect!

5. Twitter (@deborahzoe)

I'm going to admit something... I rarely use Twitter. I've never really understood Twitter or how it could fit into my social media lineup. BUT I am on Twitter and I do use it, sometimes;)! I mostly just connect with clients, vendors and other photographers to cultivate community and share interesting things! If you're on Twitter and are a past or current DZP couple, a vendor OR photographer I'd love to connect! Perhaps you can teach me a few things about Twitter along the way:)

How do you love to connect on Social Media? What are your favorite places to share content? Any new social media tools I need to know about?! Leave some tips in the comments below!!

Five Ways To Connect On Social Media with Deborah Zoe Photography.

Five Ways To Connect On Social Media with Deborah Zoe Photography.