Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

10th Anniversary Trip to the United Kingdom : Scotland Part 3

Today is the third installment of our 10th Anniversary Trip to the United Kingdom!! If you're just stopping by, this past July we celebrated 10 years of marriage with an unforgettable trip to London & Scotland. If you missed it, you can check out PART 1 and PART 2! Today we're finishing our trip with our last day on the Isle of Skye, Edinburgh and a short jaunt back to London before we left for home. Highlights include sheep (lots of sheep!), scenic views and hairy "heilan coos"!!

Sharing these images have been an incredibly fun way to relive our trip -- which went by in the blink of an eye -- just yesterday we were asking "Did we even go away?" It's crazy how you can plan and plan for a trip and then it's here before you know it. 

The last and final installment of our trip series I will be sharing where we ate, some of our favorite things and a quick review of our hotels and experiences. If you're planning a trip to the United Kingdom in the future, specifically London & Scotland, you won't want to miss that post!!

Today, enjoy some of our favorite images (and memories) of the trip in PART 3. Questions about our trip? Feel free to share them in the comments!!

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Our 10th Anniversary Trip to the United Kingdom : London Part 1

 I cannot believe that our 10th anniversary trip to London & Scotland has come and gone. It feels like we had been planning this trip forever and with most vacations it was over in the blink of an eye. It was an incredible trip and lovely way to celebrate a decade of marriage together!! For our 10th anniversary we knew that we wanted to travel but weren't quite sure where. We finally settled on the UK and decided to split up our trip into three parts, London, Scotland and London. 

Because I have SO much to share about our trip and because I'm not quite ready for our adventure to be over, instead of sharing it all in one long blog post I've decided to break our trip down into several parts. First I'll be sharing the amazing destinations we visited in a multi-post series. Next my hope is to share the delicious places we ate (because let's be real, we planned this trip around FOOD ;)) along with a review of the places we stayed and some of the amazing experiences we enjoyed while on vacation!! Are you ready?!

Our first stop was London. This was my third trip to this bustling city and it was still full of the charm and character that made me fall in love with London years ago. It was the perfect destination for our trip, filled with things to do but also relaxing enough to simply sit and enjoy a cup of coffee together. It was a great mix!!

For the first three days our trip we stayed in Kensington and filled each day with site seeing and eating. We absolutely adored the Kensington neighborhood, filled with coffee shops, diners and locals - it felt far removed from the hustle and bustle of central London and the craziness that is the European summer tourist season.

This was our part of the trip to see the sights and we did a LOT of walking, shopping and "touristing". Highlights included Liberty of London (A MUST for the building alone), Nopi, Victoria and Albert Museum, BBBakery Tour, Notting Hill and more -- I promise to break this all down in an upcoming post!!

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European & Summer Travel Dates for Anniversary Sessions

I am BEYOND thrilled to share some upcoming travel for this summer!! The biggest (and MOST exciting) is our 10th wedding anniversary trip to London & Edinburgh in just a few short weeks!!! I can't even believe I'm typing that!! While this will be my third trip to London, it will be Dave's first and I can't wait to share this incredible city with him. Then as the second part of the trip, we BOTH get to experience Scotland for the first time!! We both share Scottish heritage so this trip will be especially meaningful for us plus we cannot wait to experience the beauty of the Highlands. 

While traveling in the UK next month and I would LOOOVE to shoot an Anniversary Session -- if you're celebrating an anniversary or it's a while since you've been in front of the camera together, I'd LOVE to hear from you!! I have two specially priced Anniversary Sessions available for London on either July 16 or 23 and Edinburgh on July 21 in the early morning.

Then following our trip abroad we will be in the North Conway area, a gorgeous and scenic area of New Hampshire. I will be opening one session on August 4 for a deserving couple at a special rate. If you are in or will be traveling to the Lincoln/North Conway area I would be honored to help you celebrate your commitment with an Anniversary Session!!

Anniversary Travel Dates

London July 16 or July 23

Edinburgh July 21, early morning

North Conway area August 4

Want to learn more about anniversary sessions? Click here to find out why I love these sessions and why I think every couple deserves to celebrate their love in front of the camera. 

Interested in booking your own anniversary session? Email me to learn more and find out about my special summer and fall offerings!!