Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

The Bookworm Club : Brand Called You

It's May. I know. I've dropped the ball. Perhaps it was a lofty goal to think I could read a book a month. Especially when it comes to business books. Often when find myself taking days and days to digest the information I've just read. That being said, I don't see this being an every month series like I had originally hoped it would be. Right now I'm going to play it by ear, especially as I move into wedding season. I hope you understand as I readjust The Bookworm Club schedule just a bit. It will continue to be regular series on the blog as I find them helpful and believe that books are meant to be shared and enjoyed! Reading will help us grow together! This month, I'd like to share with you The Brand Called You by Peter Montoya with Tim Vandehey.

I've just started to poke around this interesting book, and so far I've already taken three pages of notes! I won't say that the information printed on these pages is anything ground breaking or info that I haven't heard before. Instead that same information is processed in a completely new way, with a set of next steps at the end of each chapter. It takes that familiar knowledge and propels me forward by encouraging me to get out there and do what I've just read. Now these are the types of books I want to be reading!

The Brand Called You title is pretty self explanatory. It's a book all about creating a brand based around YOU and the unique characteristics and attributes that you bring to that brand. Down to every last detail your life and your brand should be a direct reflection of WHO you are, the kind of work you want to do, and the people you want to work with.

I'm such a geek for this kind of stuff so of course I'm enjoying every word. But beyond the information, the book is written in such a down to earth, tangible, get out there and DO IT, kind of way. I feel like the words jump of the page. The simple text juxtaposed with the end of chapter action plans are a formula for success. I would HIGHLY recommend reading this book if you find yourself building a brand OR wanting to readjust your business goals.

Here are some of my favorite take-aways in the first few chapters. I'm eagerly awaiting to dive into the next part of the book, but I'm trying to take it piece by piece, making sure to truly digest each piece of knowledge!

-- " can have a public persona that stands for something clear, powerful and compelling in the minds of the people you come into contact with." - In everything that I do as a businesswoman I am trying to connect with customers. I try making sure that they understand who I am, what I do, and what I stand for, so that they can either connect with me or move on. It's definitely a work in progress but the more time you are in your business the more clear this persona becomes.

-- Specialize, specialize, specialize. 'Nuff said.

-- " Use your brand to communicate that unique things you do that create value, from creativity to specialized experience to comfortable chairs." -- What do you do as a business that is unique, that creates value? Each of us does something different and we should be capitalizing on those things.

-- "Most great brands are built through sheer persistence and repetition. There's no magic bullet, just a lot of work and smart decision making." -- This is my favorite quote so far. I think they have hit the nail on the head here. Often we want things to just work immediately, we want to see a strong, successful brand right away. But the reality is, it takes time. We need to build trust in our audience and our customers. The only way to do that is to be consistent and persistent in your message over a long period of time.

I definitely think that this book is worth taking a look at. If you are just starting out, building a brand or re-branding your business, let this book be your guide along the way!

*As always I'm giving away one copy of The Brand Called You to one lucky reader. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below. The winner will be announced on Friday. Happy Reading!*

The Bookworm Club : Good To Great

It's that time of month again! Time for another Bookworm Club! But I have to admit something. I haven't read all the way through this book! I don't really know what I was thinking, deciding to read this book in a month! If you haven't already noted the thickness of the book, then take note of the tiny print! Good to Great is chock full of words and information, so if you decide to tackle this beast, do so in small, manageable chunks. For Christmas I received Great by Choice from my sister in law. She told me that I had to read Good to Great if I hadn't and so I decided to purchase Good to Great, Great by Choice and Built to Last, one right after the other. But what I failed to take into consideration was that these books read almost like text books, offering the reader LOTS of information, that takes time to digest and register.

In Good to Great Jim Collins takes a look at several companies who made a stand in their own industries. What is interesting is that these companies were not the logical industry leaders. But they were the companies that made a great impact in not just their respective industries but within the companies themselves. These companies had steadfast leaders who often would transform the business from a mediocre company to a company that made a difference.



And, that's about as far as I've gotten! I would most certainly recommend this book to any business owner though. I can tell already, in the little of the book that I've consumed, that this should certainly be a read for any business owner.  It's definitely has many note worthy stories and solid facts about companies and CEO's that took their businesses from good to great. But take note, this is not a run of the mill business book. Think of it more like an book of observations based on numbers and data. That's how it reads and that is how it's compiled. Take it one small bite at a time!If you'd like to win your own copy of Good to Great leave a comment with your favorite successful business and why you love them. Then make sure to share this post on Facebook and Twitter! The winner will be announced here on the blog tomorrow! Happy Reading!

The Bookworm Club : Fine Art Weddings by Jose Villa

In the wedding world, Jose Villa is the Brad Pitt of wedding photographers. Good looking, talented, and amazingly popular. There's a reason for all the hype. He takes ordinary and turns it into extraordinary, creating pieces of art and all around eye candy. When he announced he was coming out with a book, Fine Art Weddings, I knew I had to get my hands on a copy. It wasn't until this past Christmas, when I received one as a present that I finally got to know what everyone was talking about! Fine Art Weddings is an easy and quick read, nothing mind shattering here. Villa writes in such a way to make each photographic concept manageable and easy to understand, with most ideas things that professional photographers already know. But what is great, is that you see how Villa has evolved, how he has learned from his mistakes and how that influences him as a photographer today. For me, that's the good stuff right there!

With every beautiful image he shares, he also provides the meta data and the scenario in which the image was taken. A bride looking out the window, a groom laughing during a ceremony, a couple kissing under a tree. You read what Villa was thinking, why he photographed the image in that particular way and why he chose the settings he did. Because I'm the type of person that loves to look at images and try to figure HOW they were photographed or where the light was coming from, I found this part of the book to be so informative and interesting! It made me want to find a window, a bride, and to just start shooting!

Every part of the wedding experience from the engagement session to the wedding day to client service is covered by Villa. Step by step he writes through exactly how he approaches each area of the wedding experience, with of course, beautiful corresponding images. I appreciate hearing in his own voice, how he tries to capture a wedding day, and what his goals are for the images he captures. Reading about how his business has evolved into what it is today, gives me hope and a passion for great things in my own photography and business.

Ultimately this is not a book with ground breaking material. But what I think makes this book successful, is how Villa helps us to understand principals we as photographer already know but in new ways. And then how to apply those to our wedding photography. His images alone challenge me to be a better photographer and inspire me to push myself on the wedding day. Just having the opportunity to ready how Villa runs his business, photographs his subjects and handles his customer service is fuel to my fire. If you're a wedding photographer, this should be mandatory reading!

Next month I'll be reviewing Good To Great by Jim Collins so make sure to grab a copy and read along!

**Did you read along this month? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the book! If you haven't make sure to leave a comment below why you'd like to win  your very own copy of Fine Art Weddings! I'll announce the winner this week!**


The Bookworm List 2011


What a year of reading it has been!! To be quite honest, I'd forgotten just how much I've read this year. It's actually been surprising to me the amount of information that I've consumed! Having this series has been a great way to go back to the books I've read and loved. I hope that you've enjoyed this series as much as I have!

Starting in the New Year this series will look a little different. I wanted to have a way for you to be more involved in this reading series. After all, being able to participate and voice your opinion is what makes this exciting for me and hopefully for you! I have decided to focus on one book a month. Instead of it being random to you, after each review I will be announcing what book I will be reading next, in the hopes that you will read along with me and participate in the review the following month!:) While I've truly enjoyed sharing some of my more leisurely reads with you here, I felt like the series was a little disjointed. In effort to make it more cohesive and informative I am keep the series focused to Business and Photography. This doesn't mean that I won't be sharing my beach reads with you in the future, it just won't be in this format. I am still keeping the giveaway aspect as well. I am passionate about sharing knowledge and reading and love being able to pass that along to you! (provided it's a good read;)) I'm really excited for how this will all take shape and I hope you are too!

Because I am still in the middle of finishing Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey (I devoured the first half and have been trying to find time to dive into the second) I'm going to save that review to kick off the series starting in January. If you're interested grab yourself a copy and read along! I'm loving it so far and I'm really excited to review it here!

Below is the Bookworm list for 2010 and 2011. I thought I'd share what I read last year before I started this series because I read some good books too! Here's to another year of reading!!

2010 Reading List Red Hot Monogamy

The Secret Life of Bees

The Overnight Socialite

The Poisonwood Bible

The Help

Water For Elephants

Memoirs of a Geisha

Eat Pray Love

The E-Myth Revisited

2011 Reading List

The Paris Wife (I've read but haven't reviewed the book yet)

The Purple Cow (I've read but haven't reviewed the book yet)

Entreleadership (I've read but haven't reviewed the book yet)

The Hunger Games

What Client's Love

Pour Your Heart Into It

Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands

Love is The Killer App



How To Become A Rainmaker

It's Not How Good You Are It's How Good You Want To Be

Who Moved My Cheese

The Four Hour Work Week

Evidence Not Seen

Sacred Marriage

Freckleface Strawberry

All Marketers Are Liars

**And of course what would a Bookworm post be without a little giveaway! One lucky reader will win a $20 gift certificate to Amazon to pick out their own book! Just leave a comment below with your favorite book from this series and why. The winner will be announced tomorrow. Happy Reading everyone!**

The Bookworm Club: Pour Your Heart Into It by Howard Schultz


"I'd encourage everyone to dream big, lay your foundations well, absorb information like a sponge, and not be afraid to defy conventional wisdom. Just because it hasn't been done before doesn't mean you shouldn't try." -- Howard Schultz, Pour Your Heart Into It

I've reviewed several business books here on the blog. They have all been great and I've gleaned much information from within the pages of these reads. Recently, I read a book that has completely changed the way that I see my business and how I relate to customers: Pour Your Heart Into It by Howard Schultz. That guy that "created" Starbucks.

I opened the first page of this book more as a Starbucks fan than anything. I thought it would be fun to learn about how Starbucks came to be and how Howard created this extrodinary THING called Starbucks. But after the first chapter, I found myself underlining every other line. There was SO much information that I could glean, SO much information that I could apply directly to my business.

The book is a history of Starbucks up until 1997 or so. And it does read like a memoir of sorts of Starbucks and Schultz. But beyond just history Schultz infuses this book with antedotes and thoughts about what he believes helped Starbucks grow into what it is. Schultz shares with his readers what he believes are the cornerstones of small successfull businesses and entrepeneroers. I was hooked on his every word.

If you are a small business owner, a brand creator or just starting out I highly recommend getting this book and spending a week looking at the life of Starbucks. Are there principals that you can apply to your business, your work ethic, your brand? I guarantee there are. This is one book that I cannot recommend highly enough.

Here are just some of my favorite and thought provoking quotes that I underlined through out the book!

"Success is empty if you arrive at the finish line alone. The best reward is to get there surrounded by winners. The more winners you can bring with you - whether they're employees, customers, shareholders, or readers - the more gratifying the victory." -- I think that many photographers are really good at this idea. We love sharing with each other, teaching and learning from each other. We love being on this journey together. But can we go further? Can we apply this even more broadly to our businesses and relationship with our peers? What would our businesses and relationships look like if we did?

"First every company must stand for something. Starbucks stood for not only good coffee, but specifically for dark-roasted flavor profile that the founders were passionate about. That's what differntiated it and made it authentic." -- I want an authentic and relevant business. I want a business that stands for something, that means something, that adds value. This quote jumped off the page, grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me around. My business MUST stand for something but not just anything. Something that is authentic to who I am. How can my business add to the world and just not myself?

"It's one thing to dream, but when the moment is right you've got to be willing to leave what's familiar and go out to find your own sound." -- This is exactly what happened when I left my newspaper job and something I recently shared.

"Whatever your culture, your values, your guiding principles, you have to take steps to inoculate them in the organization early in its life so that they can guide every decision, every hire, every strategic objective you set. Whever you are the CEO or a lower level employee, the single most important thing you can do at work each day is coummunicate your values to others." -- I could, no NEED to do this better. My convictions and guiding principles need to play a bigger role in all aspects of my business. Do you?

"We had a mission, to  educate customers everywhere about fine coffee. We had a vision, to create an atmosphere in our stores that drew people in and gave them a sense of wonder and romance in the midst of their harried lives. We had an idealisitc dream, that our company could be far more than the paradigm definded by corporate America in the past." -- What is your mission? What is your vision? What is your dream? Answer these questions specifically. You'll draw a clear picture of why you are in business, of what you want your business to look like and WHO your business is for.

There are SO many other quotes that I could pull from this book but I'll stop there and encourage you to go out and purchase a copy for yourself. Find yourself lost in the dream and the story of Starbucks. Find the points that you can take away and begin to implement them in to your business now. Who knew that a story about coffee beans could so radically change the way that I and many others think about their business. Mhmm coffee...


One lucky reader will win a copy of Pour Your Heart Into It. Just leave a comment below with your favorite Starbucks drink! The winner will be announced tomorrow! Good luck and happy reading!

The Bookworm Club: Lovemarks, The Future Beyond Brands

A few weeks ago someone said to me that I should start a Book Club. I chuckled a little and kind of brushed the statement away. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I already am doing a book club. Sort of. You see, this Bookworm series has been my version of a book club. A place where I can share with you the latest books that I am reading, get feedback and  receive recommendations on books I should read. This series has been one of my favorite things to write about this past year. So I thought a change in name would be appropriate to better represent what I hope this series can become. Welcome, The Bookworm Club. To kick things off, I thought I'd share my reaction to reading Lovemarks, The Future Beyond Brands by Kevin Roberts. Last night I finished the book and was so proud of myself that I posted a picture on Facebook late last night. Immediately I started getting questions if the book was good and worth the read. Let me just say this. If you are a business owner: YOU MUST OWN THIS BOOK. I'm sure many of you have heard other people raving about this book too. This first time I heard about it was at Justin and Mary's WPPI talk in 2010. But like most of you I held off on purchasing the book, and it wasn't until this summer that I found the time to dive in.

The book managed to live up to it's hype, filling every page with information, graphics and images to the point of brain overload. Kevin tackles SO many different areas of business that having a notebook and a pen handy while you read is necessary. Kevin also dives into the mind of the consumer and gives your practical tips at the end of each chapter of how to apply all that you just read. A great tool for me, as at the end of each chapter I found myself completely inspired but also completely overwhelmed.

The are several things that were huge take aways for me. First, thinking and responding like a customer can better help me understand and serve those customers. Giving them a great experience is not just about presentation, but also in the way that you interact and work through problems together with a client. And while presentation is important, the relationship that you've built with that customer or client is going to be what keeps them coming back later.

“Look through the eyes of the shopper. The closer you get to her experience, the richer and smarter your responses.” Lovemarks, Kevin Roberts.

Become a shopper to your own business. What areas work, what areas need tweaking? Are you excelling in giving your customer and clients the best possible experience, from presentation to communication to your responses? If not, pick one area and start small. Make the adjusts that need to be made to give your clients the best.

Ahh, but that brings us to my second take away. Taking risks. Giving clients an exceptional experience takes an element of risk. Maybe it means changing the way you've done things for years. Maybe it means implementing something you've never done before. Same is safe, same is known. Change is risky. Change is unknown. If I were being completely honest, I hate change and so the thought of taking risks, risks with outcomes unknown, is petrifying. But this quote below I think sums up WHY we must push ourselves, to risk for the benefit of our businesses, our clients and for ourselves!

“Go to the edge. Everyone at the center thinks the same way. That’s why they ended up there in the first place. The edge is unsettled and risky. Perfect to shake up conventions and formulas and come up with new ideas.” Lovemarks, Kevin Robert

Lovemarks, offers a huge amount of inspiration and thought provoking information about how to develop your business into the kind of businesses that are loved. Respected. Impactful. I think we all want our businesses to look like that. Let's make it happen.



**One lucky commenter will receive a copy of Lovemarks all for their own. To enter to win, just leave a comment below. The winner will be announced on Friday. Happy reading everyone!**

The Bookworm Club: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

undefined I have SO much to say about this book. But quite honestly, my hope is that you would just go out and read it so then we can talk about it!!:)

There have been few stories that have captivated and touched my heart as much as this one. A story about a man named Louie who, through all odds, survives World War II and comes back to America, trying to figure out how to move on with his life. It's such a fascinating and gripping read. At times it can be very difficult to get through; what Louie and his friends suffer is almost unthinkable. This story of survival and forgiveness will have you on the edge of your seat (or bed, which is where I read from:)) the whole time.

Hillenbrand's style of writing can be a bit dry at times and there are parts of the book that read more like a textbook than a story. But Hillenbrand allows for Louie's voice to shine through. You become attached to each character and storyline. You wonder what will happen to these men and the people they left behind. Will they survive?


So if you're a history lover like me or just love a great TRUE story of survival, you'll love this book! And of course, I am going to give away a copy! It will have you talking for weeks and I am beyond excited to share it with you. To enter, just leave a comment below and the winner will be announced tomorrow. Happy Reading!

The Bookworm Club: Bossypants by Tina Fey

undefined It's really no surprise that I loved this book. Dave and I are HUGE 30 Rock fans, and so when he surprised me with this book one evening, I jumped up and down. Literally. I immediately grabbed the book from his hands, gave him a quick thank you and ran into the bedroom to begin devouring. I think I read it in about two days, staying up way to late at night, and keeping Dave up with my incessant giggles.

Tina Fey's voice shines through the pages, you feel as if you are deep in conversation with this amazing comedian. At many points throughout the book I caught myself laughing out loud at the hilarity of the situations she finds herself in and the ease of her writing style. At times I wondered if she had taken a page out of my own life story, I related that much.

It's an easy and fun read, a good book to have with you for vacation or the beach. I'm a firm believer that while you should always read to continue to educate yourself, there's always room for "just for fun" reads too! And while I preview a lot of business books here on the blog, with the hopes of passing along great material, I'm not all business. I like to read for fun too:)


One lucky commenter will win a copy of this book, just leave your favorite beach read below! The winner will be announced on the blog tomorrow, but for now I'll end with a quote from Bossypants:

"There are different types of fancy photographers. Some are big, fun personalities like Mario Testino, who once told me, “Lift your chin, darling, you are not eighteen.” I enjoyed his honesty. Also, I’m pretty sure he says that to models who are nineteen."

The Bookworm Club: How To Become A Rainmaker by Jeffrey Fox

  I think I first heard about this book from Justin & Mary. And if I didn't, well, I think that they would definitely enjoy this read;) I read it on our way to Napa this past spring. I needed inspiration, I needed encouragement, I needed a swift kick in the rear end. Enter How To Become A Rainmaker by Jeffrey Fox.

This book is a no nonsense look at how to develop strong and real relationships in your business life that leads to growth and success. While it is a quick and easy read, the topics discussed in this book are huge and can have an amazing impact on your business. At 50 chapters the books reads like a list of rules of "getting and keeping customers and clients." The inside jacket of the book reads "Rainmakers are not born. They are made." It takes work and determination to create a successful business and it's often the little things that we overlook that can make the biggest impact on that success. What are you doing to make it rain in your business? What little things are you doing to go the extra mile in your business relationships?

As always, I'll share my top five take away points from the book. I highly recommend that you grab a copy for yourself. Tackle one chapter and start implementing those ideas into your business today.

How To Become A Rainmaker by Jeffery Fox:

  • "Always answer the question why should the customer do business with us?" -- It's a HARD question to answer and I immediately felt convicted that I haven't spent nearly as much time on this question as I should. Mostly because it's a hard. It requires a deep look at yourself and your business, which can often times be painful or discouraging. But the end result of such a task will reap benefits far beyond what you can imagine.
  • "Earthquakes don't count." -- Rainmakers work hard. They don't make excuses for why a project wasn't accomplished or a goal wasn't met. Like I said, swift kick in the rear end. Fox doesn't sugar coat anything and that is exactly what I needed to hear. How many times do I say there are not enough hours in the day but yet find enough time to spend onFacebook? Exactly. Rainmakers don't make excuses, they run and work hard to see tasks and goals accomplished. There are no excuses to living your dream.
  • "Treat everyone you meet as a potential client." Rainmakers are polite and courteous to everyone. Everyone is a potential client. Whether waiting in line at the post office or stuck in traffic on the highway they treat everyone with respect. Oh, how it easy it is for my red headed hot tempered ways get the best of me (especially in traffic, at rush hour). But I do see that as a Rainmaker, I need to realize that potential clients are everywhere. My reputation as a business owner and as a brand depends on how I treat others, even when I'm in a bad mood (and I think no one is watching).
  • "Always be on high receive" -- I think one tendency we might have as experts (photographers) is that we like to tell people what we know. We like to share our knowledge with our clients. But Fox states that we have to be careful to also listen to our clients, to hear what they are saying, to take an active role as listener in each of our conversations with our clients. "Your job is to listen to your customers, to ask interesting questions." "Rainmakers focus on the customers. Rainmakers give individual attention. To the Rainmaker the customer is king and the sales call is an invitation to the king's court." -- Exactly.
  • "Here's my card." -- I have to admit that I am not one who is extremely comfortable with the idea of talking about myself. Writing the bio page to my website was one of the hardest things I have had to do. Because really, who likes a person who likes to talk about themselves? When it comes time to hand out business cards I can often find myself shrinking away, as if handing out a business card is some how bragging on myself. Dumb I know, but in all honesty, it's hard to promote your business when your business is focused on you! So this chapter was an encouragement to me. Don't be afraid to hand out your business card. Give them away freely all the time. As Fox says, "Business cards are to get and keep customers." Duh, I know.

I cannot recommend this book enough. This will be a book that sits on my desk for daily inspiration. And because I want YOU to be able to experience a dose of daily inspiration, I am giving away one copy of the book to a lucky reader. Just comment below with your favorite piece of advice that someone has shared with you. I'll announce the winner on the blog tomorrow. Happy Reading!

The Bookworm Club: Who Moved My Cheese & It's Not How Good You Are But How Good You Want To Be

It's doubleheader day for Bookworm! I lumped these two particular books together because they are VERY quick reads with easy topics to digest. I look at them as more of bite sized inspiration, little nuggets to tuck away into your memory.

Both of these books have been recommended to me. I LOVE when people recommend me a good book!

I found both of these books at the used book store. A quick wash of the cover and they were as good as new, ready for me to mark up and enjoy! And enjoy I did!

I would highly recommend both of these reads to anyone, not just creatives and business owners. They encompass life lessons that apply far beyond your business.

Because both of these books are so short and quick I thought I'd give a five bullet point review on each; my top five take away points.

Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson -- A book about two lab mice and two miniature humans. It's an analogy about the way we look at change and how we handle it. It's a fascinating description of the various reactions people have to change in their life. You may view yourself differently after reading this book, I did.

  • Change is hard but inevitable
  • While change can hurt, not changing can be more painful.
  • Learning to move with change and to expand your thinking will not only help grow your business but you'll grow too!
  • There may be people in your life who don't want to move with change. While painful, sometimes the best thing you can do for them and yourself is to set the example and change.
  • Same is simple. Same is safe. Change is difficult. Change is hard. BUT the other side of change brings joy, peace, and can often times be better than the same you are living today.

It's Not How Good You Are But How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden -- A book of quick and easy stories that focus on the varied success of businesses, people and brands around the world. It's a book of advice and tidbits to help you overcome yourself, your doubts, your fears. As Paul states, "Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have."

  • "Do not covet your ideas. Give everything away that you know and more will come back to you"
  • "Do not seek praise, seek criticism."
  • "So how good to you want to be? Quite good, good, very good, the best in the field, the best in the world?"
  • "Talent helps, but it won't take you as far as ambition."
  • "It's not what you know, it's who you know."


Currently I am reading Love is The Killer App by Tim Sanders. (I'll fully review when I'm done reading) In his book he writes that people who change the world, read and SHARE what they are reading. I could not agree more with this statement. I love being able to pass on books that have changed or shaped the way I see the world. SO I will be giving away one copy of either Who Moved My Cheese or It's Not How Good You Are It's How Good You Want To Be to one lucky reader. Just leave a comment below and I'll pick a winner at random tomorrow! Happy reading!